Wednesday, January 04, 2006

2006 here we come

Happy New Year! Am still coming to terms with the fact that it is here, and that I only have a few weeks left over in the Europe. It is really very cold in Uppsala at the moment - minus 15 yesterday! - so can't say I'm too upset about leaving this climate behind me in the not too distant future. I am heading up north tomorrow evening, into the Arctic circle, so I went out and bought myself some ski pants today as I am a little scared of freezing to death. Have checked out the weather report though and it seems that it will be quite mild up there. I just hope that the skies are clear so I can see the aurora!

I had a great Christmas and New Years over in England. Christmas day was a relaxed day spent with Jon and Sue (my uncle and aunty) and of course involved plenty of food and post-binge regret. I also had my first yorkshire pudding (thanks Aunt Bessie).

I developed a mild addiction to Coronation Street and EastEnders whilst at their house, and it's probably for the best that we don't get it back at home. I would like to know if the guy that plays Don Beech from the bill killed Den though. He's a nasty piece of work.

Kate and I spent new years eve shopping in Camden at the markets, where I managed to part with a few of my pounds, and then we went back into Cambridge to spend the night at a house party of a friend of hers. Was a nice cruisy night and I only had two beers! Amazing. Just as well cos the next day was spent walking through Cambridge, checking out the beautiful old buildings of the colleges. The money spent keeping those buildings ship-shape must be a fortune. Can't really see them holding lamington drives though.

Well like I say I am off tomorrow, and have to get some study done before catching that train, so I best get some sleep.


At 8:19 am, Blogger Tim said...

You mean I have to scribble out Coronation Street in the TV Guide? (We do get it here now!)


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