Monday, December 05, 2005

Jul Fair

Laura and I got up early yesterday morning to make our way into Sigtuna, Sweden's oldest town. They had a Christmas fair on all day, and we wanted to get there for the start given that the sun is now setting before 3pm. It was a cold, rainy day which wasn't too pleasant but we had a good time. The fair was mainly lots of stalls selling Christmas ornaments, handicrafts, sausages, lollies, glögg, bulle, sausages and lollies. We also saw Santa, who was even dodgier than usual with dirty trousers and workboots, and the room he was in smelt badly of old sweat. I guess it must be hard, dirty work getting here from his workshop in Finland. After meeting up with Michael, Marco and Daniela who decided to come see the fair after we had left, we went and checked out the church ruins.It was a bit treacherous getting around as the weather had heated up a little and all the snow was melting into slippery ice. I was hoping the rain had gone for good but it's back again, with grey skies and wet jeans. Hopefully the snow will return soon.

I forgot to report the drive-by shooting we had in Uppsala a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if it counts if it was on a moped though.

Marco returned to Italy today, so I fear my nights of sipping cocktails have come to an end. Well I could set up my own little bar but with the prices of alcohol here I don't think it's a wise move. Everyone is drinking glögg at the moment, which is a spiced wine which you heat up and then put raisins and almonds in before drinking/eating. They are even selling it at the canteen at uni. You can get different varieties though, so I assume that the one they are selling is low/non-alcoholic. You never know with Swedes though.

Am a bit bummed with the weather as it was really nice when everything was white and the skies had cleared up, and the return of the constant grey skies and rain makes your mood a bit grey and rainy too. Just booked my tickets to England for Christmas/New Years though which got me excited, plus the knowledge that Kate will be here on Friday is quite exciting too!

The Italian girls (Stella, Laura, Daniela) and I are currently in the middle of organising a trip up to Kiruna and Abisko in January to check out the Ice Hotel and go dogsledding. After many emails to various companies up there, we have got bookings on the days we need and now just need to book our train tickets. You can fly up there but all the cheap tickets have been taken already so we are going to go by train. It takes around 15 hours but you get a bed to sleep in so it shouldn't be too bad. I am really really hoping to see the northern lights while we're up there, but trying to quash my hopes in advance so I'm not too disapointed if we don't see them. Well even if we don't, I'll still get to see the Ice Hotel, and go dogsledding, and probably experience the coldest temperatures of my life, within the Arctic Circle!

That's it for now.


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