Back in Sweden
Well, I'm back in Sweden after spending 6 days in England. I went over there last Tuesday, as my grandmother died the previous week and her was held on Friday. I was picked up from the airport by my parents, and aunty Sue and uncle John, who took my photo as I walked through the arrivals door but didn't bother having my name mispelt on a card. Very disappointing :) My first few hours in the country were spent enjoying the traffic. A fitting introduction!
It's pretty strange to fly for two and a half hours and end up in a different country, though I can't prove it as they didn't put a stamp in my passport! When travelling in the EU with a EU passport, it appears that they just check your passport, or put it through a machine, and don't actually give you a stamp. Almost worth using my Aussie passport. Perhaps I'll do that when I go back for Christmas :)

After having something to eat we jumped on another bus to head up to Madame Tussauds to check out the celebrities! Upon arrival we were greeted by fellow Aussie Elle MacPherson, and made our way through taking lots of photos. We were surprised that you could get up so close to them, thinking that they would be behind a rope or something. In fact, you could even get close enough to try and nab their gun. Or touch Kylie's bum, as I've heard is quite popular. After looking at all the waxworks we went into 'The Chamber - Live - Serial Killers' which you were advised to not enter if you had a heart condition or were pregnant etc. After coming out the other end I can understand why! You walked through darkened corridors which had bodies hanging, and people getting tortured, and then zombies came out of nowhere and staggered past you, moaning. I stopped, cringing, and he came back and started whispering things at me until I kept walking. As we made our way through, people kept jumping out at us, or grabbing at us from above or through holes. I've gotta admit I let out quite a few good screams in there. I was puffed when we finally staggered out the other end.
Next stop on our tour was Harrods, which was very expensive but also very impressive! We all bought something and got our Harrods bags to carry around for the rest of the day. We also got to see the memorial erected for Diana and Dodi, much to Dad's displeasure. I was hoping to see some (real) celebrities shopping here, or indeed anywhere in the city, but if I did I didn't recognise them.
We made our way back to Victoria station to catch the train home, and spent the night resting from our adventures.

On the way back to the car after dinner, there were some cops parked up on the side of the road with their motorbikes. John took me over to them and took my photo standing next to a bike, but I wasn't allowed to sit on it.
The next day was the funeral, and I met all of dad's siblings. Not the best occasion to get together, but it's nice to have some faces to go with the names now.
Saturday morning, Mum, Dad, John and I went to a British wildlife park, as I was keen to see some badgers and foxes. Got to see lots of animals, but the badgers were asleep, and not in the place where you could look through the glass to see them sleeping, so I had to make do with looking at a stuffed one, and the ones in the gift shop. John also bought me a furry badger bag :)

No rest though, as then it was off to the maze. It was John and I vs. Mum and Dad, and needless to say we beat them easily! At one stage, John and I took a fork each, but a minute later turned corners to meet each other again. In the centre was a compass and some seats, and once Mum and Dad joined us we wandered back to the palace to check out the gift shops. Just as well we did, as we got caught in a shower on the way back. Thank god we weren't still stuck in the maze. I had a win in the gift shop, as the woman behind the counter scanned the cheapest item I was buying twice, and didn't scan the most expensive one.
I bought a little sword letter opener and some cocktail forks, which proved troublesome the next day. Having bought so many things during my stay, I had a bit of trouble fitting it all in my bag and so had a fair bit of hand luggage. Foolishly I forgot exactly what I had bought, until the security staff at Heathrow checked my bag (it beeped in the machine) and pulled out the offending items. I felt like such a moron. I had to go back to check-in, and check the items in, in a plastic bag, then rush back to get through security to get to my flight. Turns out I didn't have to rush, as my gate was very close and hadn't even started boarding yet. So I scoffed one of the sandwiches that John had packed for my playlunch and had a look in the duty free shops.
Well, that's it really for my weeks adventures. Didn't do much, did I?
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