Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ah the joys of student life

God I'm tired. Is it because I've been partying into the wee hours, I hear you ask. Oh no, it's because everyone else has been partying into the wee hours. Very loudly. And then this morning, I can only assume that someone was demolishing one of the rooms in my corridor. Very slowly and noisily. And the lawns seem to get mown here everyday. In the morning. Well I took some happiness from the knowledge that those who kept me up all night must be nursing big hangovers today. I can only hope.

Am meant to be going on a university organised pub crawl tonight...hopefully I can stay awake until then!

The perfect weather here has finally come to an is now overcast and raining. Seems to fit my mood today quite nicely.

The last few days have been filled with trying to sort out my unit selection, which is pretty urgent seein as uni starts next week. We went to go see the administrator for our computing unit on monday, only to be told that although we applied to do the unit months ago and they accepted it, and the information on the net says it is taught in english, it is actually only taught in swedish. Not very useful for two people who know how to say hello and thanks and milk and chicken etc. Not sure how many programmes regularly use such words for commands.

So I found a replacement unit which seems very interesting but I don't think I'm knowledgable enough in biology. Hmm. This morning however I think my problems have been solved. After speaking to our contact for the hydrology unit we are doing in the second half of the semester, he suggested a "climate and soils" unit which I have now had approved by UWA! Hoorah! Preethi is still however trying to get her units sorted out...hopefully she will be able to do some commerce units.

What a nightmare this whole unit fiasco has been. We heard about people having such dramas before we left, but as we had put so much work into selecting our units we thought it wouldn't happen to us. God knows how we would be able to organise things from this end without the wonders of email and the internet. I assume a lot more walking would be involved.

Preethi and I have to meet one of our uni contacts on Monday in a room called "Luftrummet" which means "Air room". I couldn't help but think of "99 luft balloons" by Nena. It's funny the different ways you come up with to remember words in other languages. Of course having said that I can't think of any other good examples but I'll just assume you know what I mean. I have found myself wishing for one of those creatures from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy that goes in your ear so you understand other languages.

We're heading off to the city again today, this time to pay our rent for the first time. Perhaps I shall enquire as to whether our rent includes free earplugs, or a course in electronics with an emphasis on sabotaging peoples' stereos.

Also plan on going to ikea again if the weather isn't too bad this afternoon. My 'forecastfox' tells me it will be a breezy day with periods of rain, so hopefully those periods happen this morning while I'm sitting here in my nice dry room. I do have to go to the shop though to buy a few things. I was looking through one of the sheets they gave us in our welcome pack yesterday and saw this:
Note: "Hamburger kött" which can be found in the cold meat section is horse meat.
Sheesh you wouldn't want to read that too late!

Think I'll stick to soy burgers...



At 5:32 am, Blogger Tim said...

Bloody Australians... they won't eat some nutritious horse meat, but they'll hapilly chow down on their national emblems


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