Monday, August 22, 2005

Success at IKEA

Yesterday was another successful day, spent having a look in the city and then shopping at IKEA! The city of Uppsala is really very beautiful, and Preethi and I have been likening it to what we would imagine Paris to look like. Strange to make that comparison I guess, but we only heard of Uppsala for the first time a few months ago! Many streets are cobblestones, and the road curbs are made of stone. A river runs through the city, I think it is called Fyrisan. The 'a' should have an o above it, but I haven't figured out how to do that on this keyboard yet. I've sussed out the dots though! ö ä, see! I now know what all these dots and os mean, and am getting the hang of pronouncing words. I am sure however that I will continue to make a fool of myself in this regard but oh well, I can only keep trying.

Preethi and I went into the city with a Swedish girl Sahar who lives in Preethi's corridor. She is very nice and offered to show us around. We ventured into a few shops, one of which had lots of cool stuff and I think we will both be going back there to buy some presents later on. We now know that "rea"means sale, while "slut rea" means final sale. Preethi and I had a bit of a giggle at that one, but you actually pronounce it "sloot rea". How immature of us :)

Had a look at some posters to decorate our rooms, but apparently I have expensive taste as all the ones I liked were between 300 and 400 kroner, which is roughly $50 - $70. So all I have up at the moment is a free map of the city that we were given when we arrived. If anyone wants to send me some cool posters...please feel free!!! Oh and blu tak, as I only brought a rediculously small amount with me.

After a disappointing pasta lunch we caught the bus to IKEA, which was pretty easy as the bus says IKEA on the front. It's not too far out of town, similar I guess to the one in Perth in Osborne Park. It was also in an area with car yards! Preethi and I had our photo taken out the front, and I'll upload that soon to my photos page.

IKEA was quite funny as it was just like the one in Perth but bigger and full of Swedes. We saw a lot of things that we have in our own houses back home, having been bought from IKEA. The restaurant here was much bigger, though we didn't stop to eat. You also walk through the warehouse area yourself, unlike in Perth where you get the shop assistants to bring the large items out for you. However, just like when you shop at IKEA in Perth, we emerged clutching enormous bags overflowing with goodies, and didn't spend too much! I didn't get anything too exciting, but it is very nice to be able to hang my clothes, and use a bathmat etc.

After our shopping spree we were all very tired and so came back to our rooms to put our new purchases to use, and have a little rest. Then Preethi and I did some more grocery shopping (which is getting easier) and had lebanese pizzas for dinner.

I met a couple more girls in my corridor yesterday too. I think it is almost full if not full now.

Well I better go have a shower, get dressed and have my breakfast as Preethi and I are going into the city for a university organised tour of the city. Hopefully this will be a good opportunity to meet some more international students, and also get a better feel for where everything is. The layout of the university is very different to UWA, as the buildings are littered throughout the city and its outskirts. Similar I guess to Notre Dame in Fremantle but more spread out. I definitely need to buy a bike! Perhaps I'll try and do that this week.

Okay then, will report more later!

Conor xx


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