Monday, October 31, 2005

No rest for the wicked

My exam seemed to go pretty well, I got it finished in 2.5 hours instead of the 5 hours we were given to do it. You could answer in Swedish or English but I didn't think my lecturer would be impressed with "Hello my name is Conor. Is the car black? No the car is red". I then got one whole day off before starting my new course. The new course has more than 4 other students studying it which is exciting, including people from Germany (no surprise there), China, Uganda and Honduras! Oh, and a couple of Swedes for good measure. The course coordinator is called Sven, and he's actually the first Sven I've met here, regardless of what masseur sandal ads might lead you to believe.

I got to see a few films that were showing as part of the short film festival. In the first set of films, under the heading "collision course", there was an Australian film, and you could also hear "Home & Away" playing in the background of a Danish film showing in the set. Ah Alf, how I've missed your dulcet tones.

We changed our clocks yesterday, which means that by 5pm now it is very dark outside. *sigh* It also means that there is now a 7 hour difference between Uppsala and Perth, making communicating with home slightly more difficult. I don't know how Kiwis are able to talk to anyone back home, though I guess it must be difficult to teach sheep to use a phone anyway.

I got my bike fixed the other day which has made such a difference! The front hub was in such a bad state that the tyre was constantly touching the front brake, and the gears weren't working, but now they are both in perfect condition. I'm waiting for something else to bugger up now, or someone to steal it.

Before I go, my good friend Cliff has something to say...

"Happy Birthday Joan. I'd like to take you on a summer holiday"


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