Saturday, October 22, 2005

Exam O'Clock

Still buried under the huge pile of photocopying. My exam is in a few days now, but I'm not too worried. The weather has been helping me stay motivated, as it's been raining all day. Looks to be raining all day tomorrow too. I'm glad I don't have any cycling to do in the next two days. Not sure how ready I am to don the rainproof pants I bought for 2 bucks at an op shop. They're very blue.

Preethi and I have tried out the sauna in her building a couple of times now, and I think it will be a regular thing. You book it out (by writing your time on the sheet of paper) and then once you're in you can lock it from the inside so you don't have to worry about people strolling in. The first time we stayed in for about half an hour, and the second time we managed a whole hour, only to be told that by the swedes that an hour was nothing. Plus we didn't take any beers with us, opting to sip on water, which (according to a guy that lives in the opposite corridor to me) isn't quite cool enough either. Oh well, by the end of the semester we should be staying in there all day and swilling cartons of carlsberg. Perhaps.

I can't help but be reminded of my leavers, when we camped at Horrocks Beach. It was pretty hot, and some of the guys (including Casey if memory serves) solved this dilemna by setting up some deckchairs under the showers, with an esky to keep them company. Ah the memories.

My class did a field experiment a couple of weeks ago, which was pretty interesting. Of course the data logger somehow managed to lose half the data we needed, which is only to be expected. At least the mice didn't chew through our wires.

Am a bit apprehensive about starting my next unit which seems pretty tricky. It's called "Hydrological Analysis and Modelling". All the units in this degree are so long, and they never leave enough space on the answer booklet in the exam to write them, so you have to write "HAM" or something similar.

Speaking of ham, we went and saw Heath Ledger's latest flick, the Brothers Grimm, last night. I enjoyed it but perhaps would have liked it more if I were 10 years younger. The cinemas here are a bit odd, in that you are allocated seats. By the time we got there, there were no seats left together so we had to split up, which was perhaps a good thing as I didn't have to share my chocolate with anyone.

There is a short film festival on here next week which looks really good, so I think I'll reward myself with some culture after I've done my exam. Plus they have a free breakfast next Saturday where you can meet some of the directors..or just eat for free! Mind you, I've been to free breakfasts in the past and they're generally things that you should eat before going to. Do you hear me, Vice Chancellor? A few bits of fruit isn't enough to sustain the bright young minds of tomorrow!

Anyway I clearly need to have my dinner, so hej då.


At 10:43 am, Blogger sarah said...

i have a blog i have a blog....nothing is on it....and i dont know how to work it but i have a blog....
how do i link you???


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