Wednesday, October 12, 2005

All the leaves are brown

Autumn in Sweden is beautiful indeed. There are so many different colours of leaves covering the trees, and the ground, and falling through the air. I haven't been very successful at capturing this beauty however, and the past week in particular has been characterised by me cursing myself every time I leave my building without my camera. I am sure that when I eventually do remember to take it, all the leaves will have fallen, and been swept away.

The big tree outside my window has already lost most of its leaves, after they turned a very bright yellow. This brightened up my room quite a lot, but now just exposes me to being seen from the other building. No more aerobics with the blinds open!

Uni has been taking up the bulk of my time lately. I can't believe I have my exam in two weeks - quite scary! Well, I guess I shouldn't be too scared. With the system here I can just try it again if I fail, which I don't think will be the case anyway. I think the most difficult thing will be not getting annoyed at people chomping and slurping - you can take any food and drink in that you want. I get annoyed at people sniffing and tapping, so I am sure that my concentration may suffer. Oh well, at least I have 5 hours to get it finished.

I got quite spoilt on Monday, getting a dozen long stemmed red roses delivered to me!!!!! That definitely deserves more than one exclamation mark. They are still looking beautiful. I think I will dry them when they turn, and then I can keep them in my room until I go home. Luckily one of the girls in my corridor has lent me a vase - the plastic water jug I had them in at first didn't really do them justice.

Well it's late and I should get to bed..just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive. Have been buried under an enormous pile of photocopied (probably illegally...but the copyright law information in the library is written in Swedish so I could always plead Australian) notes of late so haven't been up to anything very interesting. Well, apart from learning about soils of course!

Off to bed.....take it easy :)


At 8:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting everyone know that you are still alive. How long did you queue for the london eye? I didn't have all day to spare when I was there and gave it a miss. I read today that you have to be a princess to be a guaranteed A-List celebrity in Sydney so don't lose your photograph from the wax museum! :) Are the winter olympics being held in Stockholm early next year? I think they were talking about it on Sunrise this morning - Mel and Kochie - now THAT is celebrity spotting :) Have fun, DD:D @ UT

At 5:09 pm, Blogger Conor @ HoldtheBeef said...

The winter Olympics are being held in Torino - or Turin - in Italy, and I'll be there a couple of weeks before they start. Speaking of celebrities, I might spot that blonde skier who's on the Extra ads!


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