Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mmmm lamingtons

I spent Friday evening surrounded by Aussie accents, people and food, and it was great. The Australian Ambassador to Sweden extended an invite to all Australian students currently studying in Sweden to come to his residence in Stockholm for a 'Tea and Coffee Function'. I was secretly hoping that this was code for 'Yummy Australian Food, plus tea and coffee, Function', and I wasn't disappointed.We were treated to lamingtons, anzac biccies, vegemite sandwiches, pies, sausage rolls, and a few other not-particularly Aussie goodies. The beer wasn't VB (which is quite easy to find in Sweden, though sadly no actual good Aussie beers are) but it flowed freely.

His apartment was really very nice. I think I'd like to be an ambassador if you get to live in such a swanky pad. The piano of course had a photo of the King and Queen on it, and the elevator was one of those ones that you have to open the little concertina door on to get in. Nice. The ambassador's wife is Swedish, and I'm sure she said that their daughter was working in Stockholm's Aussie bar that night.

Although it got me a little homesick, I had a good time. When else will I get an opportunity to hang out at the Ambassador's house? I did some research before I left about how to address an Ambassador, and apparently you are meant to say "Your Excellency". He was shaking everyone's hand as we entered, and it seemed quite casual so I thought it might seem a bit strange if I called him that so I didn't.

He told us there are currently over 100 Australian students studying in Sweden, which impressed us all until he said that there are 1000-2000 Swedes currently studying in Australia. At least I'm doing my bit to redress the balance.

He was telling us this while standing up the front of the room we were all in, and of course everyone stopped eating and listened to what he had to say. Everyone also moved back to allow some room around him and to let everyone see him. Except for one guy who stood smack bang in front of him, and kept fidgeting to keep getting in our way. You can see him in this photo, with what appears to be a flame emerging from his arse.I was also lucky enough to have the girl with the pink hat standing in front of me, who moved back and forth every few moments, forcing us behind her to also move back and forth to be able to peek past her stupid hat and see the Ambassador. Why are some people so socially inept? I know I'm whinging but this went on for maybe 10-15 minutes and was incredibly annoying. The stupid hat girl and flame-arse guy should get together - they'd make a great couple.

Last night (Sunday) there was much excitement in town, as there was the annual fireworks show to mark the first Advent Sunday. We met up in town at around 4pm, surrounded by thousands of people all making their way up to the Castle. We followed them up there, and found a spot to look down on the Botanical Gardens which were lit up with lights, and listen to the Christmas songs being sung.The fireworks started around 4:30, and were quite good (though nothing on the Australia Day show!) and of course had the soundtrack of oohs and aahs from the crowd (and also a song from the Lion King playing over the sound system...not sure why but perhaps to get our minds off the freezing cold). We contemplated going to get something to eat/drink in town afterward, but seeing as there were likely thousands of other people thinking the same thing we went home (via ICA) to have martinis and fika (ie. lots of biscuits and bullar and muffins). By the time we got home my hands and feet were like ice, which makes me think I probably need to get some more heavy duty gloves seeing as the temperatures were nothing like what they will be like (as everyone continues to tell me).

Peter's girlfriend Helen (she's on the right of the above photo) goes back to Cyprus today which is very sad. She's been staying in his room for a good few weeks now and I'm used to spending a lot of time with her. We have a new temporary visitor at the moment though - he lived in this corridor last semester and is back for a visit, seemingly to party party party. He's the one that made the martinis last night, along with many other drinks I didn't partake in. One of the drinks that got brought out was some sort of Latvian brew. Everyone got a shot poured for them, and we all sat around looking afraid. I smelt it, and it smelt exactly like Betadine. What's worse, it tasted just like how I am sure Betadine would taste. I didn't finish it. I'm sure the Betadine bottle says not for internal use!

Well I best get back to the study - I have no classes today and should put my time to good use by finishing a project I've had hanging over my head for a while now. Bye :)


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