Thursday, July 06, 2006

Only 6 months to go

until I can finally tell Centrelink to stick their money up their arse. Well, I will actually just stop getting paid once I finish my studies in November and there won't be an opportunity to tell them any such thing, but I will certainly be thinking it. That'll show em.

Anyway, the impetus for this post is a phone conversation I just had with my employment agency that I have been assigned for the duration of my time as an official jobseeker. I was meant to go in and see them on Wednesday, but I had my CT scan appointment at the same time so I sent them an email explaining everything and asking to reschedule the appointment. Unfortunately I have rescheduled it a few times already and when I didn't turn up on Wednesday they decided to call Centrelink and dob on me.

So... now I am waiting for Centrelink to contact me and tell me how bad I've been and how they won't give me my next payment, but this is actually not too bad as I have been working heaps lately and the payment would probably be very very small due to this. Plus I am off this particular payment in three weeks anyway hooray!

On another note I think we will be going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie this weekend in the luxurious gold class cinema. I've yet to enjoy its plush recliners so I am looking forward to it quite a lot. I just hope they aren't too comfy and I fall asleep, though surely the swashbuckling action will prevent this from happening.

Best get ready for work..


At 2:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, I think you've been dealing with the Pirates of the Caribbean.

At 3:58 pm, Blogger A. McKaul said...

A better choice than The Da Vinci Code

At 12:11 pm, Blogger Tim said...

ya it was worth seeing =Dw


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