Saturday, June 17, 2006

Thesis woo! Thesis yeah!

I realised with a shock the other day that semester two begins two week earlier than I had been planning for, which means I have two weeks less to devote entirely to my thesis before heading into the overloaded joy that is semester two. This realisation seems to have been a good thing for two reasons:

1. It is much better that I realise this now as opposed to two weeks into first semester .

2. It has spurred me into writing like I have never written before!

I seem to have somehow put 6441 words into my literature review, and have pictures and everything! It is finally coming together, hooray! All this research and writing is also helping me to figure out just how exactly I am going to do all the many many hours of lab work I have looming over the horizon. If only people wrote journal articles for people who have only done one unit of post-school chemistry though, it would make things much easier. They do seem to delight in throwing in words that have me frantically asking google to define.

Another exciting installment to this whole thesis story is that I have a section in the water research lab now, and you can tell that it is mine all mine by the piece of masking tape stuck to it with my name written on in texta. You can't argue with that. It is even spelt correctly, which is amazing given that I didn't write it myself. It must be a sign!

I hope those of you in the northern hemisphere are enjoying summer. I really do. I just wish it didn't mean we were freezing to death down here. Time for a hot cup of tea, methinks...

P.S. Still no news on the mysterious abdominal pain. I am booked in to see a gastroenterologist on Wednesday, so of course the pain has gone now. If I cancel the appointment though I am sure it will return, so I guess I'll just go and see if he can succeed where everyone else has failed.


At 5:47 pm, Blogger A. McKaul said...

This might help:

At 5:41 am, Blogger Conor @ HoldtheBeef said...

I've been wasting my time all these years!


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