Thursday, November 16, 2006

and that is that!

Wow, I am almost afraid to say it, but.... I think I have actually finished my degree! I just had my very very very last exam ever this arvo, and although there is a distinct possibility that I failed it, I am hoping that they will find it in their heart to just shove me through the system regardless if that is the case. I handed in my thesis last Thursday too, so woooooooooo! Party time!!!!

I just started off the celebrations by going out to dinner with some good friends, and have thus begun the process of catching up with everyone who I have horribly neglected this year. My computer has become my closest companion, which is a sad state of affairs. Perhaps now I have finished it will get a wee break from my constant tappa tappa tapping and trying to run impossible MATLAB functions whilst pulling out my hair in frustration.

I am also hoping that this end to studies will mean my sleep will get back in sync. I've been taking forever to fall asleep lately, and with my inevitable toilet trip every night, and our new neighbours yelling at each other every morning at 6:30 and waking me up, I have been quite bleary eyed lately. Not sure what's the story with the neighbours, but I wish their tongues would shrivel up and die.

I have to go lie down an digest now..... ate too much tasty pizza and ice cream.....