Tuesday, July 18, 2006

human space invaders

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday Musings

I think the house next door must be for sale. I have been studying at my computer most of the day, which means I have been looking out the front window most of the day, and quite a few cars have either paused to allow the driver/occupants a good look at the house, or they have crept ever so slowly past. I think the old dear that lives there must have either died or moved on to an aged care home as there were some ambulances there a couple of weeks ago.

I think perhaps it must be a bit pricey as the cars that have stopped/crept have been quite flash. One of them crept past, stopped at our house and crept back in reverse before finally leaving, only to return a few minutes later for a repeat of this ritual. I wouldn't mind buying it myself but as my savings are in double figures this seems an unlikely occurrence.

Our hopes of seeing the pirates movie today have been dashed, as the only seats available in any screenings today were single seats at separate screenings. Not quite the what we had planned, but we are now booked in to see it next weekend. I originally rang up to book some seats, and after following the prompts was told "thank you for calling, good bye" before being hung up on. My luck with the internet booking process was a little better, and at least then you can choose the seats yourself. I also got to do an online scratch n match card thing, and won a free popcorn & coke combo upgrade but of course this is not valid at the gold class cinema and expires in a matter of days so I think it will not be very useful. I wouldn't want an enormous coke at the cinema anyway given my miniscule bladder, though perhaps the enormous popcorn would have soaked it up.

I went onto the uni website yesterday to check out my timetable for the closely approaching semester, and it is terrifying. My outlook calendar is now a mess of conflicting appointments. It appears that they have chosen the lab times of one unit to beautifully clash with the lecture times of another, even though I think that most people doing the first unit will also be doing the other. Hardly surprising really, but annoying nonetheless. Hopefully they will realise the error of their ways and change it but I shall not be holding my breath.

The new Doctor Who series looks pretty exciting, with cat people next week and a promise of K9 to come!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Only 6 months to go

until I can finally tell Centrelink to stick their money up their arse. Well, I will actually just stop getting paid once I finish my studies in November and there won't be an opportunity to tell them any such thing, but I will certainly be thinking it. That'll show em.

Anyway, the impetus for this post is a phone conversation I just had with my employment agency that I have been assigned for the duration of my time as an official jobseeker. I was meant to go in and see them on Wednesday, but I had my CT scan appointment at the same time so I sent them an email explaining everything and asking to reschedule the appointment. Unfortunately I have rescheduled it a few times already and when I didn't turn up on Wednesday they decided to call Centrelink and dob on me.

So... now I am waiting for Centrelink to contact me and tell me how bad I've been and how they won't give me my next payment, but this is actually not too bad as I have been working heaps lately and the payment would probably be very very small due to this. Plus I am off this particular payment in three weeks anyway hooray!

On another note I think we will be going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie this weekend in the luxurious gold class cinema. I've yet to enjoy its plush recliners so I am looking forward to it quite a lot. I just hope they aren't too comfy and I fall asleep, though surely the swashbuckling action will prevent this from happening.

Best get ready for work..