Monday, May 29, 2006

The agony and the ectasy

If you've ever attempted a fitball class you know how I'm feeling right now. Well, if you also team that up with not having done any real weight bearing exercise for about 6 months. The balls have a habit of rolling off to the nearest person when you let them go momentarily, and I developed a habit of rolling off towards the end of the class when my muscles were giving up the ghost.

We are in the process of trying out a new gym, and so far so good. Next up is a spin class, which I've never done before, but I'm hoping my months of cycling around Uppsala will put my legs in good stead to not embarrass myself. Never mind the fact that I've been back in Perth for 4 months and haven't even looked at my bike.

On a different note, the house down on the corner of my street is having some sort of mega extended non-party. There have been dozens of cars parked on the front yard and over the road in the church carpark (which caused a bit of congestion at mass o'clock on the Sabbath), and lots of people seem to be milling around doing nothing. I hope it stops soon as their parking skills are getting more and more crap, blocking any view of oncoming traffic when I need to turn off my street. How long can this go on? It's now 3 days and counting...